The Queer Confidence Podcast

Morgxn Thicke: Navigating Intimacy and Genderqueer Confidence

Coach Alex Ray, Morgxn Thicke Episode 109

Get ready for a journey into the life of Morgxn Thicke, a queer, femnasty individual with Butch Queen tendencies who's making waves the gay porn industry. Morgxn's real, raw, and riveting insights about life behind the scenes and beyond the spotlight will transform your understanding of this industry. From their queer persona to the highs and lows of their private life, Morgxn's authenticity will leave you captivated.

Your gonna love Morgxn's insights on open communication in intimate relationships and its undeniable influence in the adult entertainment industry. Morgxn takes us through their adventures since breaking into the industry in 2019, revealing their experiences with initiating critical sex work conversations, and the tightrope walk between embracing new experiences and confidently upholding their own boundaries. We journey further into the world of sexual intimacy and gender confidence, exploring Morgxn's approach to creating chemistry and passion in their work.

Something I really appreciate about this conversation with Morgxn is how they underscore the significance of self-love, and pursuing what genuinely ignites joy. We round out our discussion by celebrating Morgxn's contribution to the industry and their impact in fostering a safe haven for sexual exploration. Prepare to have your perspective broadened and your understanding deepened in this enlightening episode.

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Coach Alex Ray:

Hello, my unicorns. Welcome back to another special guest episode Today. I am so excited to introduce you to a queer, femnasty human with Butch Queen tendencies who's quickly making a name for themselves in the porn industry. I've got Morgxn Thicke on the podcast today, welcome.

Morgxn Thicke:

Thank you so much Hi.

Coach Alex Ray:

Thanks for being here today. Yeah, thanks for having me. Of course, you know, before we like jump into all the questions having to do with your work in the porn industry, I really want to get to know a little bit more about who you are as a human outside of porn. Am I a human?

Morgxn Thicke:

Okay, yeah, that sounds good.

Coach Alex Ray:

Tell us a little bit about you, who you are. What do you like to do, like your interests, I mean?

Morgxn Thicke:

I'm. I think I'm boring outside of porn. Like people, I think, assume that I'm out here having sex with a lot of different people all the time. But honestly, I'm just kind of comfy in my PJs or relaxing on the beach, that's it.

Coach Alex Ray:

I love how you know that we can all have these kind of public personas. I mean, anyone can, with social media, just put out this kind of show of how we want the world to perceive us. And yeah, I'm similar in that, like I'm very I'm a pretty like stay at home and chill, which is like my good close friends. But the version that people see online is very different, very outgoing.

Morgxn Thicke:

Yeah, and the industry kind of like forces you to be social in that like you want to engage and you want to kind of network and be seen in order to kind of build your brand. But very much so. I need like that relaxed time where I'm kind of like watching below deck for four hours and I have my bowl of ice cream and my dog in my lap. That's about it.

Coach Alex Ray:

I love it. Okay, I'm also like really curious when. Like what has your experience been like meeting and making friends now that you're more well known online?

Morgxn Thicke:

Um, that's a really good question.

Morgxn Thicke:

So I guess there's a difference between like meeting and making friends and making associations like within the like sex work bubble.

Morgxn Thicke:

Like originally, when I first got into like the sex work industry in my true like Midwestern Nebraska mindset, I was like I'm going to be friends with everybody, everyone's going to be my friend, I'm going to be so nice to everybody and I'm just going to all be like besties. Yeah, after a few years like I've come to kind of understand, like in order to protect people's like mental state or themselves in general, like there is that like divide where you kind of have to build a barrier like okay, you are a work friend or a work situation, and then maybe along the lines you might like build a little bit more. But in general it's kind of weird making friends because people put on such a pedestal and I just think of myself as like Midwestern boy who used to shut corn for his job. Yeah, it was like very kind of like I bag like women's groceries and carry them out to their cars. Just I don't know what this life is.

Coach Alex Ray:

This life of a star a rising star. I mean, I love that, the real, how real you are to like. This is always a fun thing about getting to know people when they're not on stage, like on stage anymore. It's just such a beautiful reminder that we are all just fucking humans.

Morgxn Thicke:

Yeah, I'm just trying to pay my bills.

Coach Alex Ray:

Yeah, absolutely so. Okay, I also would love to know do you have any ways that kind of help you differentiate between when you are Morgxn Thicke and when you are off like offstage chilling at home? You?

Morgxn Thicke:

Um, differentiate just shutting my front door?

Morgxn Thicke:

No, I'm, I think I know like going into certain scenarios like okay, this is a this is a Morgxn Thicke scenario.

Morgxn Thicke:

Like I need to get rid of bull because I'm going to be like interacting with a lot of people and I need to be there for a given amount of time in order to like kind of make my rounds or whatever. It has been kind of interesting in respect to like me just socially going out to maybe like an event or a bar, or going out to a restaurant with friends or or just even maybe to the beach and planning to be like casual and this is not a Morgxn Thicke thing Like we're just relaxing, we're having fun, we're going to kiki and then we're going to like I don't know, let loose, yeah, and being approached by people and it kind of turning into like oh the Morgxn Thicke show, like oh, can we take a picture? And where I really appreciate like that kind of response from people and I welcome it, like I want people to feel like they can come up to me and say hello or whatever it does, kind of like I can tell, like it's a little annoying for like friends and family and everything.

Coach Alex Ray:

Yeah, yeah, it's probably me.

Morgxn Thicke:

I'm kind of like this is just part of the thing, like this is, this is what I agreed to be a part of. Yeah, yeah.

Coach Alex Ray:

I love that. I think a lot of people that I, not a lot of you. It's not like I've thousands of celebrities that have all told me but that's not the case. I'm trying to exaggerate a little bit less, but like I have heard from others a similar thing or sorry, not a dissimilar thing, where they're saying you know, oh, I don't want all these people giving me all this attention when I really love that you're very much like, honest with yourself about that. Hey, this is part of the gig, this is part of what you signed up for and it may be, it may be difficult for others around you, but have you found any ways that have kind of worked for you to like navigate that?

Morgxn Thicke:

I don't know, like in interactions with people when they come up to me, it's kind of like I feel so humbled because often, like people tell me like how much, like how grateful they are for like seeing someone like me represent like within the sex community or I don't know, it's very humbling for someone to come up and say like such appreciation for me doing what I consider to be like something that I enjoy.

Morgxn Thicke:

But it definitely, I don't know I always try to remain like humble in that, like I said, like I don't think that I'm anybody special, like I'm no better than anyone else and honestly, like within any industry, like there is always going to be like someone Like coming up and probably replacing you within like the next certain amount of time, unless you're like super smart or you're the only person in the world that can do whatever you're doing. Like there is not I am not the only person in the world that is doing any like genderqueer, kind of like reform or anything like that. There are way bigger platforms and more substantial like advocates out there. I'm just kind of trying to find my way in the world.

Coach Alex Ray:

I love it. You're so like just I don't know real honest and relatable. So I try to be. I mean, I don't know, I don't think you even need to try, it's just you, naturally. Yeah, just awkward as fuck. Well, I'm so glad that you're here anyway, even though you feel awkward, yeah, like this is my first podcast, though, like my first official podcast, so we're going to get through it. Yeah, I get to take your podcast virginity. I know what an honor. Don't rip it off.

Coach Alex Ray:

Right, gentle, gentle, gentle, All right. So I feel like we've gotten to know you a little bit more outside of the industry. But how did you get into porn? How did?

Morgxn Thicke:

yeah, how to get into porn, I guess. So I got into porn around like 2019. I found myself in a situation where I needed to make some extra income. My husband wanted to go to school and in order to allow that to happen and not like rely solely on like loans and everything like that, I was looking for an alternative or like a secondary employment, yeah, and something that I could do that would theoretically make like a decent income for a few years.

Morgxn Thicke:

Yeah, I've always kind of been interested in doing sex work in terms of like studio, and at that time, like only fans was kind of starting to become a thing, and in my ripe old age of like 30, I don't even remember like 33, maybe I was kind of adapting to like this mentality of like, well, sex work is work and it's valid and if I love sex, then maybe I'll be good at sex Right and you know, on camera, yeah, like. So I had already kind of like started doing photo shoots and modeling and I've done like nude photography and I was kind of exposed in that sense. So starting and only fans was kind of pretty easy for me in that terms or in that manner. It was interesting navigating, like meeting individuals and immediately trying to like create chemistry, because for me, like, chemistry is kind of crucial in terms of like making everything work, right, but that's.

Morgxn Thicke:

I kind of navigated that just by like having discussions with people, either on Instagram or meeting with them prior to, and kind of going over like oh, what gets your juices flowing? And kind of like where, like, what are your interests? Like, what are your hotspots or what are your nose? Yeah, like, what do you like in bed that makes you like really enjoy it? Yeah, yeah, go from there.

Coach Alex Ray:

Okay, I feel like we need to like pause and just sort of notice this even more here, because this is something that every single person listening can benefit tremendously from is learning how to talk about these things. Oh, 100%, 100%. There's like no training, you know? No, it's like balancing your checkbook. Right, we all have heard of it, but do we know how to do it? What's worked well for you around like? How do you approach these conversations? How would you recommend someone like start breaching these topics with a potential partner?

Morgxn Thicke:

I recommend, like head on, yeah, like just kind of dive right in, like once you know like it's going in, or even if it's not going in, like a sexual direction, like it's always good to be like transparent regarding like, are you sexual, are you not sexual? Like, do you like touch or do you not like touch? Like just kind of establishing that bridge of like where, mentally, the other person or persons are regarding like intimate interaction. I think it's very crucial in whatever kind of relationship that you're engaging in, whether it be like casual sex or like an intimate, like long-term relationship.

Morgxn Thicke:

Yeah, like it's always, in my mind, good to check in and recheck in in order to kind of like just reestablish like what are we doing and how can we do it the best we can, yeah, yeah, and does that sound? I don't want it to sound like so, like mechanical, but it's kind of just like. I just think it's good to start that conversation like as early as possible.

Coach Alex Ray:

Absolutely. And with that like when you first started reaching out to others or having people reach out to you to kind of collaborate with only fans, or you have a few other sites too, like for my fans and just for fans, okay, so how did that feel at first?

Morgxn Thicke:

Were you, like, really nervous to reach these topics, or Kind of I really didn't expect like people to kind of respond back to me and like now the way that Twitter's run.

Morgxn Thicke:

Like you have to I don't know like you have to have a blue tech mark in order for someone to like, message you or reach out to you, but back then, like in the Stone Age, you could just message whoever who allowed you to, whoever had like their messages open. Yeah, so I would basically just like go through the Twitterverse of porn and I would just find accounts that kind of like emulated something that I connected with, whether that be like chemistry, whether that be kink, whether that be them just being like a beautiful individual that I thought maybe like oh, I might have a chance, and I just messaged them and I was like hey, I'm starting an early fans. I know like my Twitter sucks right now and just started and I think that would be really good. Bye, I'm 100% okay meeting with you. Please go through my Twitter feed, go through my Instagram Like if it seems like something that you're interested in, like let's discuss, and kind of took it from there.

Coach Alex Ray:

I love it. I feel like literally everyone can learn a lot from this, whether they're looking to start their own OnlyFans or whether they're just looking to date. Like you said, it's literally just as simple, as I mean simple, even though it's scary, but it's still simple. As simple as looking for things that are interesting about the other person and just commenting on it. Hey, I noticed this about your profile. I really am interested in that too. Or, hey, I just think you're very attractive. I would love to take you out for dinner or bring you over to my house to film a scene.

Morgxn Thicke:

But also I think another part of it is being open to possibilities maybe that you wouldn't consider. I feel, like a lot of people especially that I've encountered within sex work, they're so rigid on maybe the individual who they will hook up with or the individual that they're willing to work with. And I think for me personally, a lot of the best interactions that I've had came from surprising situations that I really hadn't expected or I maybe wouldn't have sought. After they reached out to me, we just had like chats and I was like, okay, let's just give it a go and see where it goes, and it was just kind of fun like exploring sex. It doesn't always have to be great, but I mean, for me personally, the more interaction you have with an individual it gets better. I mean, yeah, it's not gonna be always be great the first time, but I think we're gonna be able to do that. But I think with experience it will get better.

Coach Alex Ray:

That makes a lot of sense. I think a lot of us put a lot of pressure onto each interaction like, oh, it's got to be great.

Morgxn Thicke:

And it never happens. No.

Coach Alex Ray:

And then it also makes us lock up more and when. The more anxious we are, the less flexible and like open we are Physically, but also like mentally, we're totally gonna be more awkward the more stressed out we are about being perfect.

Morgxn Thicke:

Yeah, and you may miss out on an opportunity. That could be amazing. Just be open, just have fun with it.

Coach Alex Ray:

I don't know, yeah, like don't take it so seriously, it could be surprised.

Morgxn Thicke:

I think it's serious to a certain extent because it is a business, but yeah.

Coach Alex Ray:


Morgxn Thicke:

I think, allowing yourself to be open to possibilities and a variety or a range of scenarios, individuals, it's just something that maybe, like a lot of individuals in the sex world, don't do.

Coach Alex Ray:

Yeah, I love that. All right, here's another question that I think a lot of us could really benefit from. I imagine that you get a lot of messages from people fans even that are like oh my God, I wanna hook up with you, who may not really be, who really may not be, someone that you're like going to collaborate with in a business way, and so, and you're maybe you're like, hey, I'm not available for this. Yeah, what are your recommendations or tips or insights for how to say no when you don't want to have sex with someone?

Morgxn Thicke:

For me personally, it's kind of like oh hey, I appreciate you reaching out, it's probably gonna be a no.

Morgxn Thicke:

But then again, in those responses I've also, like I was saying before, a lot of situations in situations where I maybe wouldn't have maybe sought after like an individual.

Morgxn Thicke:

I allowed myself to kind of interact with them and yeah, like meeting up with them, where the interaction was much better than I kind of anticipated, there is like for me, there is kind of a level of like a boundary that I have to draw, because a lot of people reach out to me and I feel as though, like they want to hook up, because they see me as like a sexual object, and if I get that feeling then it's automatically a no for me, because I don't want to put myself in a situation where I'm just an object. Yeah, like I want to be seen as a person, yeah, I want to be like validated as a person and, conversely, like I want to validate the other person as like an individual, like a being, that we are two beings coming together. And if I feel like it's very transactional because I've had to like tell people that are doing like only fans or wanting to do like an only fans, like collaboration, like if I feel like it's very transactional, like no, it's an absolute no.

Coach Alex Ray:


Morgxn Thicke:


Coach Alex Ray:

You know, you just really really kind of sparked this realization for me that I want to share real quick. I have had sexual trauma in my past and been like sexually abused by friends when I was a little kid and because of that it has I've had this kind of framework of looking at like sex and connection and friendships in this very kind of like black and white way that it was like scary for me even to also like become more popular online because I started getting a lot of sexual attention with that too and then feeling like I don't know what to do with this. So let me just shut down and I really really appreciate the insight that you're even giving me right now of Brown, like hey, let's be a little more flexible here and know the boundary, that like I'm okay with actually being sexual with people when I'm respected as a whole being. I'm not okay with being treated sexually when I'm an object, and then it can just be an easy no yeah.

Morgxn Thicke:

Yeah, and I mean a lot of people take offense to it and I respect that. But if your initial phrase is like, you have a great ass I don't want to fuck it, then I don't think so. Thanks for the note.

Coach Alex Ray:

Right, yeah, I appreciate that so much. It's a great insight, yeah.

Morgxn Thicke:

I'm really sorry to hear about your trauma. Yeah, it's really unfortunate Because I mean, you seem like such a lovely individual.

Coach Alex Ray:

Thank you, yeah, I appreciate that and I've worked through a lot of these things. I've been in therapies in second grade and out over the years, so I've collectively spent more than 10 years in therapy, approaching 15 years. We work through these things. There's no other way but through it, but I appreciate that.

Morgxn Thicke:

So isn't it so interesting to how, as gay and queer men, we find the need to sexualize everything? Oh, my god, yes absolutely as a podcast, just putting yourself out there, yeah, and people are like let's do it.

Coach Alex Ray:

Right? Well, I also used to be a fitness coach and I think I definitely felt the need to make my Instagram very thirst-trappy in order to attract attention. But I think the way that I did it, my intention behind it, wasn't like I want people to actually approach me just for sex. I wanted people to be like, ok, wait, he's hot, but like and gay, and I can relate in that way, but I don't want to fuck him, I want to be him, I want to do his program or whatever, and that was more the vibe I was going for. It worked that way for some people. It didn't work that way for others. And then when I evolved into coaching, still same thing A lot less of the sexual attention, but it's still there. I still have to sometimes be paying attention to when someone's like hey, I want to work with you. Great, do you want to work with me just because you want to spend time with me and you're hoping that will lead to sex, like, yeah, because that's not.

Morgxn Thicke:

The true intention.

Coach Alex Ray:

You're right, but anyway, this episode is not about me, so let's go back to you. Sorry, no apology necessary. I'm not a loophole. I love this, but I want everyone to be able to really get to know you here, because they get to hear way too much of me on every other episode. So I'm curious about another thing, about, like, what might viewers find surprising that happens behind the scenes that they're totally unaware of when they're watching videos?

Morgxn Thicke:

I mean for me it kind of goes back to that discussion, like a pre-sex discussion. I'm very much all about sitting down and really getting to know a person and understanding, like I said, what are their hotspots? What parts of your body can I touch that maybe make your toes curl? Or like some people love their nipples played with and some people it's really like a no or like a dead zone. Yeah. It's like, oh well, you're doing nothing, like you're wasting it. Yeah. And for me, like in those circumstances when people like, if I go to play with someone's nipples and they're reacting because they think the camera wants to see a reaction, versus like reacting because that feels good, that I kind of I don't want that Like.

Morgxn Thicke:

No, I don't want to show like that kind of porn. I don't want to make that kind of porn. Yeah, like, every reaction that I have is very much so like an authentic reaction and I really want to like give people kind of like like I started out making porn because I wanted to provide like intimate visuals to people that they kind of it was kind of so like there was so much chemistry and there was so much intimacy. Like people were like should I be watching this? Like can I watch this? Oh, this is hot. Like I want to watch more. Like I want that chemistry, I want to feel that kind of passion. So, for me, like I really want to know like what turns people on in order to actually turn them on Right. Yeah, I don't know. I love that.

Coach Alex Ray:

It's so. It's less of a performance and more of like an authentic.

Morgxn Thicke:

Yeah, it's kind of hard to have hard to find like other people in like only fans that want to kind of commit to that amount of like vulnerability, yeah, and also that amount of like discussion and work, yeah, and I mean a lot of it can occur like just sexting like between two individuals, like prior to like leading up. But yeah, I love that aspect of getting to know someone and then getting to explore those delicious little fun things that really turn them on. So I guess that's something that a lot of people probably don't talk about or encounter.

Coach Alex Ray:

That's so neat.

Morgxn Thicke:


Coach Alex Ray:

Okay, one other thing I want to ask you. A few episodes ago, I talked with the Bottoms Digest and we were talking about how, oh my God, do you know that?

Morgxn Thicke:

Do you know him? Yeah?

Coach Alex Ray:

I love them. Yeah, they are fantastic. Okay, so one of the things that we talked about was how in porn, like produced porn, there are the same messes that happen in real life, where not everything's always perfectly perfect. Can you confirm that the same awkwardness that happens in anyone else's sex encounters whether that's messes or awkward things that happen like I don't know you climb off the bed and stub your toe?

Morgxn Thicke:

I 100% can confirm that even though it's studio work and it's very structured and it's very scripted, we're still human beings, we're still engaging together. It is still very real in that aspect. And of course there's always going to be a little mess, or I mean not always. I've been really fortunate that I have not encountered a mess yet in the few studio scenes that I have done. It is definitely a fear in the back of my head, as I'm sure it's in a lot of people's head, if I were to go into a studio scene bottoming and knowing that you're going to be there for like six hours, maybe six to eight hours.

Coach Alex Ray:

Wait, hold on. This is something that I just not know. Okay, you're actually filming for like six to eight hours.

Morgxn Thicke:

Maybe this is like a secret that I'm not supposed to tell people, but not continuously filming for six to eight hours. But it depends on, like, how many clips the director wants to go through and how long it takes to get through each clip, whether it's how many camera angles they want to do or how long it takes individuals to get an erection, because they generally want you to have a full erection when the filming starts in order to provide that fantasy. Yeah, like optics over softics. Yeah, but yeah, it can go all day. That's impressive. They do provide opportunities to go freshen up and shower and there's breaks for food or water, and they're very accommodating. It is not like jail. You were chained to this desk until we finished this game, but yeah, it takes as long as it takes.

Coach Alex Ray:

It's so interesting. I think I knew that it took longer, but in my head that just meant like maybe like three hours.

Morgxn Thicke:

Yeah, I mean that's like a good well for me. I usually a lot like two hours for any kind of only fan scene, so that is like set up and talking and getting to know and like breaking the ice, like I've never met this person before in real life and I don't want it to be awkward, and we kind of go into everything and then maybe we'll fuck for like an hour hour and a half. And then there's the exchange that happens afterwards, like exchanging content and making sure like everybody signs model releases and everyone understands like when and where and how we'll post and all that I should not sexy stuff Right All the business side, yeah, yeah.

Coach Alex Ray:

I love it. Okay, hey, this is right. There is even just such helpful information, I think, for people to understand. I think when they're watching a 15 minute video, there's hours that go into it. Yeah, and you cannot expect to have sex with someone that looks like a 15 minute porn and in real life it's going to be a 15 minute encounter and it's going to happen the same way or even similar like that's. There's a fantasy to it.

Morgxn Thicke:

No, it's very much like a business in that aspect. You have to understand, like your customer, and what fantasy you're providing them and then, generally speaking, just kind of perfecting that's over time.

Coach Alex Ray:

Yeah, all right, love it. No, let's pop over to the next question I had for you, which was around as a genderqueer person. Do you have tips for our listeners around sexual confidence?

Morgxn Thicke:

Yeah, Like we kind of discussed before, like I'm really exploring the gender identity that is me. Again, I feel as though, like through sexual like encounters, there is always a need to have a discussion, yeah, like there's always a need to be like open and honest about where maybe you feel like the most vulnerable and our nose for you and what are like yeses, like what has to happen in order for this to be like a pleasurable experience. And if someone isn't willing to kind of entertain that discussion, then they're honestly not worth your time. Like there is not a situation that I feel like I would put myself in, where Because I have in the past put myself in situations that I felt like very violated and kind of less than human yeah, I just strongly recommend to like avoid that at all costs, because it is not going to do any good.

Coach Alex Ray:

Yeah, yeah, makes sense.

Morgxn Thicke:


Coach Alex Ray:

How about any tips for gender confidence, like expressing your gender queerness?

Morgxn Thicke:

Oh my God, just fuck shit up, Just go out there and try it. You know, like maybe at first, because at first I will wholeheartedly admit like I looked a mess. I was very like I'm a 13 year old girl, wearing all of my favorite things.

Morgxn Thicke:

I have all the jewelry on and I am, I'm doing it, you know like maybe I'm a little bit more refined now, probably not a whole lot, but I'm really enjoying like the exploration of like the nail polish, the skirts, and and then doing that on social media kind of is a little more, I would say, therapeutic than kind of anything really. I mean truly like you're exposing yourself to whomever is on social media, and I think for me, taking it to the next level would probably be incorporating like more women's wear and or what is considered like traditional women's wear, I mean like skirts and clothing and I feel like everything like that. I want to include more of that into like my everyday wear, where it's not like so fetishy, it's not like the two inch skirts that is barely covering a butchie kind of thing. But there is now, like this is actual, like adult clothing that I am like living, yeah. And then I really want to learn how to do like makeup and kind of just see where that goes.

Morgxn Thicke:

And yeah, I mean, like I said, fuck it up, like it really doesn't matter, like if it, if you don't have a makeup on or a coat of clothing and it brings you joy when you look in the mirror, then do that for you. Yeah, like absolutely fucking this. You get one life, why not? Yes, be queer, just fuck yeah. And if anybody says anything, tell me and I will come fuck shit up to it.

Coach Alex Ray:

You'll have a new bodyguard option here. Yeah, I love it. I mean, I wholeheartedly agree that I've gone through a similar process of like figuring out what my style is to, and it's totally evolving and it's really just all about experimenting, trying things. If you're comfortable in it, fantastic. Other times you wear something and you're not comfortable in it and like cool, don't wear it again, you're done with it yeah, yeah, yeah, we tried it Next.

Coach Alex Ray:

Yeah, wasn't for, wasn't for you. Yeah, someone else can have it. Donate it, okay. Last question for you, a question from the audience. David asks how is maintaining a relationship different when you work in porn?

Morgxn Thicke:

Maintaining a relationship will always, in my opinion, require an immense amount of work. Regardless of if you're doing sex work or if you are in a monotone or misrelationship that you are only doing that, I would say that there's a lot of communication that has to happen in terms of any like scheduling. And well, let me back up. Okay, so like for my relationship, yeah, it's kind of evolved in terms of sex work from like a monogamous relationship and then now it is very much so like a non monogamous, open relationship where we sleep with other people and kind of engage in like adult activities outside of the relationship but then come back together and also engage in adult activities together. But it definitely requires like an immense amount of communication, like open, honest communication, like what is actually like the feeling you're feeling, and in order to do that you have to be like open, honest and vulnerable. And like when I say honest, I mean honest with yourself, like how are you truly feeling about like your partner sleeping with somebody or you sleeping with this other person, and just kind of like constantly checking in with whomever your primary partner or partners are in order to because if they're not sex workers, I mean they're kind of living vicariously through you. But, like, as a sex worker, you're always kind of like taking on a lot more, I feel.

Morgxn Thicke:

Yeah, in order to separate, like how can I say this? In order to separate work from authentic personal sex, I guess, yeah, it's definitely a challenge that you have to mentally prepare yourself for. But then your partner or partners engaging in casual sex yeah, could just see all of your interactions as this fun happening that is constantly going on. Yeah, where for me, a lot of it is like oh, this is work, right, no, yeah, so that's kind of like been one of the main challenges in our relationship in terms of like communicating, like, oh, this is work, not like I'm not going just for a fuck-best. Yeah, I mean, I enjoy sex, but I also recognize that this is work. Yes, yeah, I don't know if that makes sense or just rambling.

Coach Alex Ray:

No, it absolutely does. It really is about. I think it sounds like it boils down to having boundaries with what you want, your yeses and your noes, your partner or partners, yeses and noes and communicating, just communicate, communicate, communicate. And it has to be honest, both with yourself and with the other person.

Morgxn Thicke:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it really. I mean, and we've been to like couples counseling for years and years and years and years, not for any like particular reason, just kind of like checking in, which has been hugely substantial, and I'm sure we have like way more work to do.

Coach Alex Ray:

There's always a more you can do, yeah.

Morgxn Thicke:

Really, you never really expect there to be an issue until just something happens. Yeah, and you're like, oh okay, maybe we should talk about that.

Coach Alex Ray:

Yeah, yeah, fantastic. Yeah, I love that you're also an advocate of seeking out mental health resources and so just trying to do it on your own, because I am not qualified. None of us are. None of us are like come into this world like cool, got this, got it.

Morgxn Thicke:

Yeah, yeah, I can handle it Right. Tell yourself that.

Coach Alex Ray:


Morgxn Thicke:

There you go.

Coach Alex Ray:

No, we are meant to be communal beings that Totally Interdependent right but rely on others and also have our own independence. Oh yeah, 100%.

Morgxn Thicke:

I also think that it helps just having like that unbiased, like kind of helpful angel or whatever you want to call them, like being, yeah, just kind of guiding you through First of like your best friend who's really advocating for you, kind of yeah, more than anything else.

Coach Alex Ray:

Yeah, yeah, amazing. I love it. No, I have a tendency to like raffle. So, oh, me too. Go listen to one of my solo episodes and see what you think You'll be like. How did you fill up 45 minutes of talking? You didn't even touch on the topic. I do get around to the topic generally. I'm sure anyone listening right now, too, is like having their own opinions about us. But I am fine. That's the whole point of this podcast is just like enjoy and share helpful information. So thank you so much for being on the episode today. Really appreciate all of your insight, your authenticity, your vulnerability with us. Thank you so much.

Morgxn Thicke:

Thank you for having me. This has been a treasure. Thank you.

Coach Alex Ray:

You're welcome. Before we head out, you know, I will absolutely link everything down in the show notes. Is there anything that you want to share with everyone, just to make sure that they're aware of where they can find you?

Morgxn Thicke:

If you go to my link tree, link tree dot com backslash more than Morgxn take you'll find all of my links. That's pretty much the easiest way to just kind of like one stop shop whatever you want to do, whatever you want to see, and that's where you're going to go. Yeah, but if you find me on Instagram, it's also there. It's pretty easy to find me, as long as you spell my name, right.

Coach Alex Ray:


Morgxn Thicke:

That wrist snap.

Coach Alex Ray:

All right, perfect. Well, everyone will have all of that linked down in the show notes for you so you can go just enjoy all of Morgxn's amazing art. It really think of what you do all sex work as art. So thank you for doing the work that you do in the world. We need it, thank you.

Morgxn Thicke:

That really means a lot. I appreciate that.

Coach Alex Ray:

Of course, all right. Well, my friends, I will see you next Tuesday. Bye, bye.

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